Thursday, August 25, 2011

David Brooks, "President Rick Perry?": Romney and Obama Face Serious Threats

In today's New York Times, Rick Perry is the focus of the columns of both Paul Krugman (see: and David Brooks. But whereas Krugman addresses the effect of Perry upon Federal Reserve policy, Brooks, in his op-ed entitled "President Rick Perry?" (, describes fundamental shifts in the US electorate which have allowed Perry to become the Republican front-runner within days of announcing his candidacy for president.

Observing Perry's double-digit lead over Romney in multiple polls, Brooks suggests that Romney could counterattack by emphasizing Perry's slipperiness:

"Romney could accuse Perry of being the latest iteration of Tom DeLay Republicanism. On the one hand, he is ideologically slippery. The man who sounds so right wing today was the Texas chairman of the Al Gore for President campaign in 1988. The man who now vows to appoint only anti-abortion officials to relevant administration jobs endorsed Rudy Giuliani four short years ago. On the other hand, he is unwavering in his commitment to the government-cash nexus. Even this week — amid much attention to his pay-to-play proclivities — Perry named two big donors to powerful state jobs."

Yeah, right. And Perry won't observe Romney's waffling positions on abortion, gay marriage, gun control, and health care. Sorry, but Mitt never did stand a chance, except when positioned against the likes of Newt Gingrich, Ron Paul, Sarah Palin, Herman Cain, and Donald Trump.

Brooks also informs us that Obama should be worried:

"So, yes, it is time to take Perry seriously as a Republican nominee and even as a potential president. Until a few weeks ago, Perry trailed Obama in general election matchups. But as Perry’s name recognition has increased, that has changed. He and Obama are neck and neck in a recent Gallup poll."

Indeed, Obama, who has also amply demonstrated his slipperiness, e.g., gay marriage, Afghanistan and the Armenian Genocide, can start packing if the economy doesn't improve.

Me? I will never understand how a president, once considered the most liberal US senator, stands to be dethroned after four years by someone diametrically opposed to his values. Apparently, the pendulum must swing, and regrettably it cannot stop in the middle.

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