Saturday, May 25, 2013

Maureen Dowd, "Can 44 Subtract 43 From the Equation?": Zero Minus Zero Equals Zero

Do you write a blog? My blog started in 2009, basically owing to the fact that The New York Times, a purported fount of progressivism, was routinely censoring my responses to op-eds and editorials. (Andrew Rosenthal of The Times objected in an e-mail to me to my use of the word "censored.") This diversionary project, which occasionally creates a bit of rancor among Times and Washington Post columnists and editors, is, according to Google, getting almost 30,000 page views per month, be that "good" or "bad." Occasionally, I am accused of being a neocon and/or Obama hater, and less than a month ago, I received the following love letter in response to one of my blog items (

"I can't figure out how your little rants keep getting such excellent Google rankings. Your consulting firm must REALLY be boutique because other than your blog both it and you are a black hole as far as Google and Google UK is concerned. It must be that you have 'New York Times' and the columnist's name included in them. I do find it interesting that you didn't start this blog until Obama was elected. You're outraged by Benghazi but felt no need to vent regarding all the BS Bush/Cheney pulled? Some serious blinders you're wearing there. But then, FOUR AMERICANS died in Benghazi, and there's the MASSIVE coverup. Makes Iraq and the cherry picked intelligence that got us there look like a church social.

I applaud the fact that you read a real newspaper rather than spend all your time glued to Fox News but given your numerous blog posts it looks as if you only read it as a source of tsuris. Given the Times liberal bent and your disdain for their opinions I fail to see why you read it other than a source of material for which you can write scathing rebuttals, almost all of which I find to be just..... wrong.

. . . .

I'm not really anonymous. My name is Andy and if for any reason you'd care to reply you can reach me at . . . . I'd be fascinated to know why a guy who's 'appeared on television throughout Europe, supplying real time, on-the-scene commentary during crises and wartime' and his boutique firm have absolutely no Google footprint. I'd enjoy hearing from you."

This time I responded at least in part:

"You obviously did not read the opening paragraph of my April 27, 2013 blog: 'Make no mistake about it: George W. Bush was a disaster for the United States. The Second Gulf War destroyed the equilibrium that existed between Iraq and Iran in the Middle East, setting the stage for Iran's fanatic pursuit of dominion over the region. His introduction of ground forces into Afghanistan was a tragedy in the making, as he should have known from Russia's prior entry into this quagmire. His administration allowed Wall Street and the big banks to rape the US economy with the introduction of worthless, real estate-based derivatives, and the elimination of the Uptick Rule during his second term in office (see: continues to plague American productivity."

. . . .

Frankly, I don't know anything about my Google ranking, nor do I care. Yes, I have tens of thousands of pageviews every month, and perhaps this has something to do with it, but I honestly don't know how this factors into my Google ranking. Again, it is of no interest to me.

If you are curious about my Google ranking, I suggest you start a blog and insert the names of NYT columnists and see if your opinions attract interest. Moreover, you will then be able to write freely and opine about 'all of which you find to be just . . . . right.'

My audience? If you are more intelligent than those who read my blog, who include PhDs, professors, members of Congress and newspaper editors, I again urge you to start your own blog. Maybe it will be an overnight Internet hit!"

This Andy (not Rosenthal) never responded. Did I take up his offer to  correspond with him? Be real! I have my flaws, but I'm no masochist.

I have no Google footprint? I must be doing something very right. I also have no Facebook page, nor can you find me on LinkedIn. Not interested. Those with whom I am willing to work, know where to find me.

I no longer appear on the news, although I am willing to do an occasional television commercial if I want to deaden my mind, make some money, eat well and take the day off.

But I stray.

In her latest New York Times op-ed entitled "Can 44 Subtract 43 From the Equation?" (, Maureen Dowd tells us of her visit to the George W. Bush Presidential Library and Museum. Dowd writes:

"It’s remarkable that Obama is trying to escape the shadow of the Bush presidency just as W. is trying to escape the shadow of the Bush presidency. Browsing the library, you wonder if these two presidents are complete opposites after all, as you see how history was shaped by an arrogant, press-averse, father-fixated, history-obsessed, strangely introverted chief executive.

Robert Draper, the author of 'Dead Certain: The Presidency of George W. Bush,' perused the library with me and observed: 'So 43 grew up entitled but could display a commoner’s touch, while 44 grew up hardscrabble yet developed this imperial mien. The former is defined by incuriosity, the latter by self-absorption. One is a late-blooming artist, the other a precocious writer. They can each make you kind of miss the other.'"

Sorry, Maureen, that I couldn't meet you there. The Bush library is not on my itinerary, at least not during this lifetime.

Bush, Cheney and Rumsfeld? A thing of the past. They did their damage. I'm not interested anymore.

I'm a neocon? Heck no. I don't miss Bush, but I'm also patiently waiting not to miss Obama, who has compounded the Bush administration's failures, both domestic and international. I'm hoping to continue not missing Hillary.

Obama? He has merely paralyzed the executive branch of the government with scandals at a time when America has yet to emerge from its worst economic downturn in recent decades, and while the US faces monumental challenges overseas from the likes of North Korea and Iran.

So what am I?

Is there a word for a person who hates all politicians?

1 comment:

  1. Yes, I remember your comments in the NYT as some of the most intelligent in the NYT. I followed you here. Ah, stopped participating in the NYT discussions (and was stopped by this charming Stuermer) and now enjoy much more intelligent forums in The Jerusalem Post, for example. Yes, some Jews are intelligent.
    I also remember this Andy who didn't probably reappear for a simple reason that the shock of discovery that English isn't the only language in the world was too strong. I hope I didn't kill him by providing this information. He was?is? a nasty fellow, but I don't want to be a murderer.
