Thursday, May 5, 2016

Gail Collins, "The Donald Trump New Normal": Monica Lewinsky for VP!

Gail Collins is in panic-mode.

You will recall how, in 2012, Collins made a point of alluding to the Romney "dog on the car roof" story, i.e. her lame running joke, in almost all of her opinion pieces leading up to the presidential election. Today, however, the shoe is on the other foot, given how Trump once sent her a copy of her column with “The Face of a Dog!” written over her picture.

In her latest New York Times op-ed entitled "The Donald Trump New Normal," Collins writes of Trump's upcoming efforts to land a vice presidential candidate:

"Once you eliminate all the people who have already announced they’d rather be kidnapped by manatees, there’s a pretty short list. Maybe Chris Christie? Never in modern America have we had a presidential ticket composed entirely of guys who specialize in insulting people and yelling at the top of their lungs."

Christie? Not a chance! Heck, my understanding is that Monica Lewinsky is at the top of Donald's short-list.

But before we get there, maybe the Republican convention should adopt a resolution demanding that all prospective presidential candidates undergo a psychiatric evaluation. Better still, testing should be live and formatted along the lines of "The Apprentice," i.e. "You're delusional!"

Please wake me up and tell me that this is just a bad dream ...

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